Recommended Trees and Shrubs
Successful establishment of trees begins with proper tree selection. Please see the below resources to find the rigth tree for your property. Visit our Tree Care page for additional information on planting, watering and pruning.
Trees by Region
- Drought Tolerant Trees for South-Central Kansas
- Northeast Preferred Trees
- Northwest Preferred Trees
- South Central Preferred Trees
Additional Considerations
- Conifer Trees for Kansas
- Deciduous Shrubs for Kansas
- Evergreen Shrubs for Kansas
- Right Tree for My Soil
- Selecting and Planting a Tree
- Trees and Shrubs for Difficult Sites
- Trees and Shrubs for Pollinators
- Trees and Shrubs that Attract Songbirds and Wildlife
- Tree Planting Guide
For specific information on the trees we sell, please visit our Conservation Tree page.