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  4. »Thad Rhodes

Kansas Forest Service

Kansas Forest Service
2610 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66502

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Thad Rhodes

Thad RhodesDistrict Forester - District 3

Thad Rhodes has been a District Forester with the Kansas Forest Service since November 2001. A native Kansan, he earned a B.S. in Park Resource Management from Kansas State University and a M.S. in Forestry from the University of Missouri. Prior to joining the Kansas Forest Service, Thad worked in southeast Missouri for the U.S. Forest Service as a Forest Inventory and Analysis crew member.

As a District Forester officed in Manhattan, Thad's primary responsibilities are to provide technical assistance to rural landowners in a 15-county area of northcentral/northeast Kansas. This involves designing tree and shrub plantings and assisting with woodland management.

3705 Miller Parkway, Ste. B

Manhattan, KS 66503


Phone: 785-560-3967