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Kansas Forest Service

Kansas Forest Service
2610 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66502

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Dennis Carlson

Assistant Fire Management Officer

Dennis Carlson was raised on a farm in Northwest Kansas. He attended the University of Missouri-Columbia and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Forestry in Dennis Carlson1991. After graduation, Dennis worked for the USDA Forest Service at the Rocky Mountain Research Station in Rapid City, South Dakota. He also worked at the USDA Forest Service Southern Hardwoods Lab in Stoneville, Mississippi and the Forest Hydrology Lab in Oxford, Mississippi for seven years.

Dennis is based in the south-central region of Kansas. As the AFMO, Dennis will work with local fire departments, communities, NGO's, and land managers to reduce the risk of wildland fire across the state through training, coordination, as well as support for fuels reduction activities such as prescribed fire. 

PO Box 85
6503 SE Quito Road
Leon, KS 67074
Phone: 620-669-7061