Chelsea Hanson
Rural/Community District Forester
Chelsea is the District Forester for district 1 in NW Kansas. Born in the colorful Colorado Rockies, she has a deep appreciation for forests and managing ecosystem health. She has a BS in Wildlife Biology from Fort Hays State University and an MS in Ecology studying forest disturbance regimes in the Rockies of Colorado, also from Fort Hays State University. After college Chelsea traveled across the west working as a consultant for renewable energy companies performing many of the wildlife and habitat surveys needed.
The role of District Forester is to provide support to landowners and communities with their forestry needs. In her 23-county district, Chelsea helps landowners maintain, establish, and renovate windbreaks and other conservation tree plantings by designing tree and shrub plantings. For the townships and cities across her district, Chelsea helps design tree and shrub plantings, tree/shrub selections, and tree health inspections when asked.
Chelsea Hanson
506 Main Street
Stockton, KS 67669
Cell: 785-706-8812